Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Engineers in the Making 12-17-18

Over the last several weeks, QUEST students have listened to a read aloud of the book Twenty-One Elephants and Still Counting about the construction of the Brooklyn bridge and learned about different types of bridges constructed throughout history.  Now they have become teams of engineers constructing their own bridges using nothing but 200 popsicle sticks and glue that will need to support a 5 lb. weight for lower grades and a 20 lb. weight for upper grades.  Can they do it?  We will find out when we test them after the holidays!

The Kids Who Just Kept Drawing 12-13-18

Mrs. Thomas' 3rd grade students visited the library and enjoyed a read aloud of 2018-2019 Texas Bluebonnet nominee Keith Haring: The Boy Just Kept Drawing by Kay Haring.  Then students got together to create their own mural to decorate the halls of the school!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Feeling Special 12-11-18

Mrs. LaChapelle's kindergarten class made Mrs. Stoker feel very special today! ❤

Flashlight Reading 12-10-18

Kindergarten and second grade students got to enjoy some flashlight reading in the library today!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Follett Book Fair 11-30-18

Richter fifth grade students were very excited about our first time to host a Follett book fair!  All money raised from our fall fair will be used to purchase new books for our library.  Thanks to everyone who came by and supported us!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Folk Artist Clementine Hunter: QUEST 11/5/18

4th and 5th grade students visited the library today for the final lesson of their art unit.  We read the book Art From Her Heart about folk artist Clementine Hunter, and then students had the opportunity to create their own unique pieces using recycled materials and dim lighting just as she did over 50 years ago.