Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Last Kids on Earth
by Max Brallier

Image result for last kids on earth

Brallier, M. (2015.) The last kids on earth. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc.

Jack Sullivan was pretty much your typical 13 year old boy.  Well except the fact that he was technically an orphan and bounced around from foster home to foster home most of his life.  But 42 days ago when the monster apocalypse hit, his foster family hightailed it west looking for safety and left him behind to fend for himself.  So what is a boy to do all on his own in a town swarming with gigantic monsters and former inhabitants that have been zombified?  Well for starters he takes refuge in his "scummy little foster" brother's tree house and after some major additions has the place better defended than Fort Knox.  Now that he's feeling a little more secure, he's decided to seek out his best friend, Quint, who he hasn't seen since the day the monsters first struck.  Thankfully he does finally reunite with Quint, as well as Dirk, the resident bully who never passed up a chance to give Jack and Quint a hard time.  Of course every true hero must rescue his "damsel in distress" and Jack is no different.  Jack has his sights set on June Del Toro, editor of the school paper and his current love interest.  The last time he saw her was also the first day of the apocalypse where they locked eyes and then she disappeared into the school.  With Quint and Dirk's help, he is determined to save the love of his life, but as it turns out June is more than capable of taking care of herself.  With the giant monster Blarg hot on Jack's trail and every zombie in town surrounding the school, the 4 teens will have to work together to escape and make it back to the ultra fortified tree house.  Douglas Holgate's black and white comic type illustrations not only bring the characters to life, but add much humor to the story.  This book will be a big hit with students in grades 4-6 and is a great recommendation for reluctant readers.  It is also on the list of Bluebonnet Nominees for 2017-2018.

Last Kids On Earth Book Trailer

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