Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue:
An Oragami Yoda Book
by Tom Angleberger

Angleberger, T. (2014). Princess Labelmaker to the rescue: An oragami Yoda book. New York, NY: Amulet Books.
The perfect book to go along with the recent hot topic discussion about standardized testing and “teaching to the test”. Forced to participate in ‘FunTime’, a test prep video series with “cool” (lame) songs such as Oppa Funtime Style, a take on Gangam Style with Professor FunTime and his talking calculator, Gizmo, the students at McQuarrie Middle School are fed up. They have had all their fun extracurriculars taken away as the district shells out thousands on this FunTime program that the students hate. The Rebel alliance has decided that as a whole they will do poorly on the test, actually they will barely pass so as not to be retained, to bring down the scores of the school to protest this new program. The students are in for a surprise when the principal, Mrs. Rabbski, receives the case files and while they fear they will be in trouble, she actually sides with the students and backs them against the school board refusing to utilize the program at the school any longer. Using origami Star Wars characters and phrases straight out of the movie, this book is sure to be a big hit with middle grade Star Wars fans.
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